in the sky [ S ] / Koichi Futatsumata
そういう興味と作意から生まれた "in the sky" はきっと、空間を豊かに切り取ってくれる事でしょう。
Branches fall and tangle with the ones below, gently swinging in the air.
I felt a kind of beauty, within the fragile balance a coincidence can create.
My interest towards this kind of beauty gave birth to the "in the sky", an object which shall frame the space with richness.
in the sky
サイズ|(S) W665 D656 H370
色|silver , gold
二俣公一 / Koichi Futatsumata
1975年鹿児島生まれ。2000年よりデザインスタジオCASE-REAL (ケース・リアル) 主宰。福岡と東京を拠点として、空間デザインを軸に
プロダクトの近作としては、昨年E&Yから発表され話題となったテーブル / HAMMOCKや、今年末EK JAPANより発売される真空管オーディオアンプ / 22などがある。
主な受賞にDesign for Asia Award / Bronze Award (2010年)、AR Awards / Commendations 2作品 (2009年)、Digital Design of The Year / 金賞 (2002年) など。
Born in Kagoshima, 1975. In 2000, he established a design studio CASE-REAL. He's activities based in Fukuoka and Tokyo.
Mainly he designs interior design, and also furniture, product, architecture as well. A variety of his work has been highly-prised both
at home and abroad. His recent work is a low table "HAMMOCK" for E&Y Co., Ltd. and a tube amp "22" for EK JAPAN will be announced the end of 2010.
He has received many awards including the Design for Asia Award / Bronze Award (2010), AR Awards / Commendations (2009), Digital Design of The Year / Gold Award (2002).